The Disabled Traveler's Companion


This area is sacred to the Blackfeet (Southern Piegan) people.  Running Eagle Falls was named for a woman warrior respected for her great skill in battle.  The falls area is one of the sites known to be used by Running Eagle (Pitamaskan) for her vision quests.  Just as Running Eagle came here for guidance and strength, people today are renewed by the beauty of the falls.




There are a few accessible parking spaces




The path is hard packed and is enjoyable to make your way to the falls..............nature!!




Following the path you will eventually come up to a log bench on your left.  Take a left and up by the bench you will see the falls through the opening in the trees.




If you return to the top and look under the road sign you will see a small building.  This is the restroom at Running Eagle Falls.  cms by Netsource One, Inc.